Search in Strings

There are 3 ways to search in strings:

1. To search whether a string contains another string, use functions like and ilike . like is case sensitive and ilike is case insensitive.

$ a=`IBM`ibm`MSFT`Goog`YHOO`ORCL;
$ a ilike "%OO%";

$ a like "%oo%"

2. To find the location of the first occurrence of a string in another string, use function strpos .

$ strpos("abcdefg","cd");

$ strpos("abcdefg","d");

$ strpos("abcdefg","ah");

3. To find the location of the first occurrence of a string or a regular expression pattern, use function regexFind. Compared with function strpos, in regexFind we can search a regular expression pattern, and we can also specify the starting position to search. To search a string in another string without specifying the starting position to search, we should use strpos instead of regexFind as the former is faster.

$ regexFind("FB IBM FB IBM AMZN", `IBM, 7);

$ regexFind("this subject has a submarine as subsequence", "\\b(sub)([^ ]*)");

$ regexFind("this subject has a submarine as subsequence", "\\b(sub)([^ ]*)", 10);