

saveText(obj, filename, [delimiter], [append=false], [header=true])


obj can be a table/matrix/vector/metacode of SQL statements. When obj is the metacode of SQL statements, multiple workers are allocated to read the data concurrently, and the data is written to the file with another worker. In other cases, data queries and writes are handled by the current worker.

filename is a string indicating the absolute path and name of the output file.

delimiter is the table column separator. The system uses comma as the default delimiter.

append is a Boolean value indicating whether to append to (true) or overwrite (false) the output file if it exists already.

header is a BOOLEAN indicating whether to save the column names in the output file when obj is a table. The default value is true. Please note that this parameter has no effect when this command is used for appending data to an existing non-empty file (i.e., when append = true).


Save DolphinDB variables or data queried by SQL statement as a text file on disk. Compared with saveTable, saveText requires more disk space and time.


Example 1

$ n=20000000
$ timestamp=09:30:00+rand(18000,n)
$ sym=rand(syms,n)
$ qty=100*(1+rand(100,n))
$ price=5.0+rand(100.0,n)
$ t1=table(timestamp,sym,qty,price);

$ timer saveText(t1, "c:/test/trades.txt");
Time elapsed: 191488 ms

Example 2

$ n=100
$ t1=table(1..n as id, rand(1000, n) as x)
$ saveText(t1, "C:/DolphinDB/Data/t.csv",,1)
$ t2=table((n+1)..(2*n) as id, rand(1000, n) as x)
$ saveText(t2, "C:/DolphinDB/Data/t.csv",,1)
$ t = loadText("C:/DolphinDB/Data/t.csv")
$ select count(*) from t;

Example 3 Save a DFS table as a text file

$ if(existsDatabase("dfs://testdb")){
$ }
$ n=3000
$ ticker = rand(`MSFT`GOOG`FB`ORCL`IBM`PPT`AZH`ILM`ANZ,n);
$ id = rand(`A`B`C, n)
$ x=rand(1.0, n)
$ t=table(ticker, id, x)
$ db=database(directory="dfs://testdb", partitionType=HASH, partitionScheme=[STRING, 5])
$ pt = db.createPartitionedTable(t, `pt, `ticker)
$ pt.append!(t)

$ saveText(<select * from pt>, "D:/data/pt.txt")