

tmrank(T, X, ascending, window, [ignoreNA=true], [tiesMethod=’min’], [percent=false])

Please see Time-Based Moving Functions (tm-functions) for the common parameters and windowing logic.


ascending is a Boolean value. The default value is true indicating the sorting direction is ascending.

ignoreNA is a Boolean value indicating whether Null values are ignored in ranking. The default value is true. If Null values participate in the ranking, they are ranked the lowest.

tiesMethod is a string indicating how to rank the group of records with the same value (i.e., ties):

“min”: lowest rank of the group

“max”: highest rank of the group

“average”: average rank of the group

percent is a Boolean value, indicating whether to display the returned rankings in percentile form. The default value is false.


Return the rank of each element of X in a sliding window.


$ tmrank(1 1 3 5 8 15 15 20, 5 2 4 1 2 8 9 10, ascending=true, window=3)

$ index = take(datehour(2019.06.13 13:30:10),4) join (datehour(2019.06.14 13:30:10)+1..6)
$ data = 1 NULL 3 4 5 NULL 3 NULL 5 3

$ tmrank(index, data, ascending=true, window=4h)

$ tmrank(index, data, ascending=true, window=2d)

Related functions: mrank, rank