

movingWindowData(X, window, [fixed=false])


X is a vector.

window is an integer greater than or equal to 2. It indicates the size of a count-based window.

fixed is a Boolean specifying whether the size of each row of the result must be fixed to window. When fixed=true, the missing elements in the first (window-1) windows are filled with NULL. The default value is false.


Return an array vector where each row indicates the elements of a window sliding over X.


$ S = -1 3 -4 0 5 10 9 7
$ m = movingWindowData(X=S,window=3);
$ m;

$ mi = movingWindowData(X=S,window=3,fixed=true);
$ mi;

// get the value of the first element in each window
$ m[0]

$ mi[0]

// Get the data with a sliding window of length 5 in the reactive state engine
$ n = 100
$ DateTime = 2023.01.01T09:00:00 + rand(10000, n).sort!()
$ SecurityID = take(`600021`600022`600023`600024`600025, n)
$ Price = 1.0 + rand(1.0, n)
$ t = table(1:0, `DateTime`SecurityID`Price, [TIMESTAMP, SYMBOL, DOUBLE])
$ tableInsert(t, DateTime, SecurityID, Price)
$ output = table(100:0, `SecurityID`DateTime`PriceNew, [SYMBOL, DATETIME, DOUBLE[]])

$ engine = createReactiveStateEngine(name="rseEngine", metrics=[<DateTime>, <movingWindowData(Price,5)>], dummyTable=t, outputTable=output, keyColumn=`SecurityID, keepOrder=true)
$ engine.append!(t)
$ dropStreamEngine(`rseEngine)